This is 40!!!

♥️ This is “40” 🖤 A week ago yesterday I turned the big 4-0!!! I have been so incredibly blessed all month long! God has given me the absolute best people in my life and I couldn’t be more thankful! New friends, old friends, best friends and of course my family!!! Over the last decade I have learned so much about myself and about life in general… I’ve learned its all about the relationships you build and the love that you spread! It’s about being selfless and putting others before yourself! It’s always knowing that there are those in need of prayer and that they matter. It’s about helping those in need! It’s about loving your neighbor, loving your enemy, loving the earth!! I used to be so caught up in myself and my needs, my wants, my vanity… I didn’t take the time to look around and SEE people! The reward is in giving not the taking! The reward is in kindness not the bitterness! When our hearts are so consumed with anger, hate, frustration, malice intent we have no room but to worry, complain, pity, gossip… it is when our hearts have that undeniable joy that we can truly be at peace regardless of what is going on around us, regardless of our personal battles (physical, financial, emotional, spiritual) that we can live freely and spread that joy! Spread that love! I am guilty of living the opposite way of life but I can tell you had I not returned my life to Jesus Christ I would not be where I am today! I do not know how people do life without him!!! He gives me purpose, he gives me hope, He is my light in this dark dark world! I am forever grateful for his eternal love and forgiveness. 🙏🏻♥️

 How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?
    How long will you hide your face from me?
 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
    and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
    How long will my enemy triumph over me?

 Look on me and answer, Lord my God.
    Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,
 and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,”
    and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

 But I trust in your unfailing love;
    my heart rejoices in your salvation.
 I will sing the Lord’s praise,
    for he has been good to me.

Psalms 13

♥️ One of the questions I receive daily is the infamous, “how are you?” I think about this question a lot. My typical response is “fine” or “ok.” I think usually because I don’t want to spend the next 30 minutes talking about my health but it goes deeper then that. Just the word, how… I used to voice these questions to God. How is this happening to me or how long will it last for? I think it is even harder for me or the person asking because I do look “fine” or “ok” on the outside! Psalms 13 hits me hard because David doesn’t run from that question, how? He doesn’t act as if his sorrow and despair isn’t there. Instead he lays it all out for God continually asking HOW over and over… crying out to him. But then the coolest thing happens while still in pain and suffering he turns those hows into trusting the Lord. The Lord becomes this light for him during this dark time in his life. His unfailing love transforms his weary heart and he finds rest in him. He knows God is in control and he can praise the situation rather than complain. The intimacy that will grow is so special. I feel like I am reading a chapter of my own book when I read this Psalms. The best part is we can all have this. It is so hard to stay angry, frustrated, upset but when we turn that way or thinking into praise, compliments and joy our hearts literally transform. ♥️

♥️ I am sure you are wondering what you are looking at above!!! Well so was I?!? I began having these red lumps swell up in several different spots which then kind of like popped and oozed (gross yes I know) Apparently I had staples come loose and make their way out to say hello? Why? No clue? Bandages and antibiotics seemed to do the trick but I have some fun new little scars from that joyful event! I swear you can’t make these things up! haha! As for below those are my fun new toys! I am now giving myself at home injections. I am actually really proud of myself because I am doing it alone! Back when I first was sick my dad always had to do them for me but I have now graduated to my own nursing level! My B-12 is continuing to drop so that is what these are for! I am not absorbing it yet again. ♥️

♥️ I was suppose to go in on September 11th for an abdominal MRI and to check the status of my cysts, etc. but we postponed the procedure until November 2nd! We are continuing to build my body up with B-12, iron and just get my strength and energy in general up! My hernia behind my stoma has doubled in size and is causing a lot of issues for me so I’m thinking they are going to want to do everything at once but will have a better idea after the 2nd of Nov. I am ready to just get it over with. At this point I am comfortable with removing the ovaries, tubes and fixing the hernia all in one shot. I have been and am going to continue to be praying that this could be the surgery to fix it all!!! I’d love for you all to pray that prayer with me!!! The only other real thing I am struggling with right now is my hands and them shaking. Some days are better then others but there are days I can barley put a lid on a bottle because my hands shake so badly. It has gotten to the point that those around me have noticed and asked whats wrong with me? I have made an appointment with my neurologist for this but I pray it is something simple and not long lasting or threatening.♥️

 Newest Update on my financial situation– God continues to work in this area of my life daily. I like to keep the specific ways private as I feel blessings as amazing as these are for Gods glory and not our own. I will assure you though that EVERY single month I have continued to be blessed in the most special ways by the most incredible people. Thank you to my loving, supportive family, friends and brothers and sisters in Christ who continue to bless me and saturate me in his love. He continues to meet my every need… God is so good!  

For those of you that didn’t get a chance to hear my 2 part podcast with Joni & Friends these are the links below… Or you can find it on the menu bar on my home page!

All for HIM Always,

Kimberli West XOXO


2 thoughts on “This is 40!!!

  1. Dear Kim, hello, nice to here from you. In reading your post, your positive attitude and your concern for others, please allow me to say that the relationship you have with Jesus Christ must be incredible. Lately, I’ve been thinking about the first question and answer to the Westminster Larger Catechism and the Heidelberg Catechism. The only way we can glorify God, rejoice in Him and experience and possess the comforts, blessings and eternal assurances is by knowing Jesus Christ. If we think about it, our relationship with Jesus should be the most important thing in our lives. I understand that it dosen’t make the physical pain or psychological disappointment, or automatically pay the bills. It does however, help us to deal with these things with a power that is not of this world. Having a relationship with Jesus also gives us a vision to look beyond these temporary things. Please allow me to say that you are an inspiration and a beautiful example of what it is to walk with Jesus and experience intimate communion with Him. Please pray for me as I will for you. Take care. God bless you, family friends, doctors and church.

    1. Amen! Thank you for reaching out and I absolutely will add you to prayer journal and keep you in my prayers. Thank you for your uplifting and encouraging words! God truly is the the way for all things. I agree 100% with God all things are able because we know they are temporary and he gives us that strength and that joy we need for each passing day!

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